Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why Can't I Get Better Results?

Einstein's definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.  Yet if we are all honest with ourselves we all act a little "insane" at times.  Most of us can sometimes get bogged down with our results and that is where we tend to focus.  I have to admit that I have fallen victim to this way of thinking in the past.

Our results are just a series of decisions that we have made to generate our outcomes.  So to be frustrated at the results would be similar to getting upset with ingredients for not being a completed food dish.  If we want to overcome this way of thinking we have to understand the equation for generating our desired outcomes.  

It looks something like this:


Let's talk about attitude first.  No one ever gets frustrated and has a fantastic day.  It just doesn't happen.  The attitude that I like to adopt is that of determination.  We hear a lot about staying positive but I don't believe in pretending that everything is ok when it clearly is not.  I believe in power thinking.  Not allowing emotion to cloud your judgement but looking at a situation identifying issues and developing strategies to overcome.

Now we can see what has to be done all we want but without putting forth the effort to take action then we accomplish absolutely nothing.  Efforts is just the amount of work that we put into a task.  If we unleashed 100% of our potential at a task at hand, there is nothing that we would not accomplish.

If your results are not what you want think about this equation and ask yourself where you are lacking.  With the right attitude and the right amount of effort put forth you can and will achieve your goals.

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