Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Self Education

I believe strongly in self education and through social media came across one of my favourite authors talking about this exact topic.  Here is Anthony Robbins' opinion on self education.

My gift to you: The fastest way to create a life on your terms

"In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill gives us a simple yet powerful statement: " The great leaders of business, industry, and finance, and the great artists, poets, musicians and writers all became great because they developed the power of self-motivation."

Take a Steve Jobs or a Walt Disney or Henry Ford.  All titans of their industries, they all understood that learning can't be confined to the schoolyard.  For these men, and the pioneers before them, personal growth is closely tied to learning how your mind works, and conditioning your psychology for success.

So many of us believe that after a college education the learning stops.  But as Jim Rohn once said:

"Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune."

As a young man I was always looking for answers.  I would feed my mind with books like Hilla?TMs remarkable work.  My goal was to read a book every single day that was about personal development,  finance, improvement, psychology, physiology, etc.  This daily practice is one of the things that helped me help so many others, and as a result I get the call when the athlete is burning down, or the child is suicidal, or a relationship is beyond saving- helping people make change in the moments that matter.

As children we are taught trigonometry and the battles of the War of 1812, however no one taught us how to be a compelling leader or build financial freedom or how to create energy and vitality and not just prevent disease.  No school taught us how to proactively manage our lives.

But if we want an extraordinary life filled with financial abundance and outstanding health and energy and passionate relationships, then we need to actively take a different path - of higher expectations, demands, something greater for our lives.  We need to seek out the best."

I don't believe many could have said it any better than that.  So make a decision and commit to reading an empowering book.  Whether it be a book on finances, relationships, leadership capabilities, wherever you wish to lead a more fulfilling life.

Wherever you choose to improve remember to do it with intention.

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