Friday, March 25, 2011

There Is No Success Without A Successor

In school our I.Q. is developed and because these are one correct answer math equations or are written down in a textbook, we accept it as truth.  We accept these truths because we previously were ignorant to them but then were taught to us by a teacher.  In every academic establishment that I attended being taught how to be a compelling leader or understanding human behavior and interactions, in other words emotional intelligence, was never taught in any capacity.  Those skills were learned through human interaction with the other children in the schoolyard and in my family life.

The time of adolescence is when we find where our strengths lie and what activities we take enjoyment in.  This is where we start to create our identities about ourselves.  This is where we shape our beliefs and perceptions that ultimately shape our reality for better or for worse.  You see, just like we discover our strengths we also develop insecurities about ourselves.  Thoughts that are non-supportive mental road blocks that prevent us from living up to our greatest potential.  This is what the enlightened Robin Sharma calls our "Invisible Fences".

As an adult none of us would ever take advice from a child.  None of us would readily accept advice from a teenager. Yet that being said we all listen to our own insecurities that were developed at an early age.  We are essentially listening to a teenager or a child.  And because predominantly we discovered these perceptions on our own we accept them as truths.  We accept our insecurities as part of our identity.  We intentionally choose to hold on to these beliefs.

I believe that having coaches is a great way to develop the awareness to let go of these debilitating perceptions.  Someone to hold you accountable as well as someone who does not have an emotional attachment to your non-supporting beliefs.  I was fortunate to have found personal coaches who to this day give me advice on relationships, business, finances, and self perceptions.  My coaches saw the raw me not what the world and I decided was my identity. 

I pride myself on my student mentality.  I listen to the mentoring with great humility knowing that the advice comes from a good place.  I do not let my ego or "invisible fences" filter this advice preventing change and growth from happening.  I use their coaching to empower me so that I may create a life as the individual that I have always wished and hoped for.  

Thank you coaches 

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