Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Courage Of The Heart

In our search for personal development we look for answers in books, by attending seminars, receiving advice from coaches etc.  Sometimes I believe we forget about certain intangible qualities of which there are many examples of throughout history.  One of my most admired qualities is referred to as "Heart".

I have been a boxing fan ever since my Great Uncle sat me on his knee as a toddler to watch the bouts that were on that particular night.  As soon as I turned 16 I enlisted in my local boxing gym and became a student of the "Sweet Science".  Through research I came across a fighter whose style was so terrifying, so courageous, and so awe inspiring to behold.  Boxing experts regularly referred to it as "Take a punch to give a punch". This particular fighter is considered one of the greatest punchers in the Heavyweight division of all-time.  He also never understood how to quit.  That fighter was  "The Manassa Mauler" William Harrison "Jack" Dempsey.

Dempsey held the Heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926.  Through his career he made a name for himself by being a natural born knock-out artist.  But what made Jack Dempsey special was that he had an indomitable spirit that could not be broken.  No matter how badly he was hurt Dempsey would always get back up.  In one title defense he was actually knocked out through the ropes head first to fall to the concrete waiting below.  Dempsey pulled himself up by the apron and went on to KO that same opponent in the 2nd round of that fight.  

Because of this dedication to victory many of his fights set financial and attendance records.  This in fact made Jack Dempsey the first boxer to win a million dollar purse.  Making him, considered by many, the first million dollar athlete in history.  This at time when a dime bought you a meal and a ride on the trolley.

Life will always present obstacles that either become the excuse on why we were unable to succeed or one of the trials that we overcame to reign triumphant.  Dempsey became the first million dollar athlete by getting up more times than he was knocked down.  Having courage can carry you through almost anything that you encounter in life.  For most of us we can intentionally choose to get up and refuse to be defeated.  We just have to show "Heart".

"I can't sing and I can't dance, but I can lick any SOB in the house."
-Jack Dempsey

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